Disability Sunday Resources
Information about us
The DSF Network seeks to build understanding between the disability and faith communities. The Network was formed in 2002 to carry on the work of Through the Whirlwind: Te Puta I Te Taiwhiowhio: Disability, Spirituality and Faith Conference which was held in Wellington in 2003.
Significant projects of the network have been the publications Creating Welcoming Churches: a disability resource for faith communities (2014) and Oh Light (2008); the promotion of Disability Awareness Sunday and linking with the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network.
We are involved supporting and hosting visiting speakers and other events.
Our Aims & Objectives
- To encourage and promote dialogue within and between the faith and disability communities.
- To provide a place for disability communities to explore spirituality
- To advocate for disability issues within faith communities.
- To engage in theological reflection on disability within Aotearoa New Zealand.
- To promote discussion on ethical issues including those that affect human rights.
- To encourage and promote programmes for, with and between Disability and Faith communities
For more information please contact Rev Vicki Terrell our chairperson:
Email: vterrell@actrix.co.nz; Phone: (09) 634-1079
Post: C/- P O Box 31-227, Lower Hutt 5010
If you are keen to keep in touch, please complete the membership form.